Building Casper- A Historical Timeline in Downtown Commercial Businesses

Casper still spelled as Caspar (named after Caspar Collins, son of William Collins who founded Ft. Collins)
Railroad only to Cheyenne, Laramie, Rawlings, and Evanston- not yet Casper


Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad arrive in Casper

Casper town first platted
Today's Midwest Ave was First Street, and Today's First Street was Third Street
Map still shows Carbon instead of Natrona county
North Platte river much closer to Casper downtown than it is today
Wyoming Central Railway leased to Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad, carrying mostly coal
Casper railhead serves as jumping off point for "Invaders" from Texas to serve as gunmen for the Johnson County War
Drilling in Salt Creek Fields start1890

Oil Belt Real Estate Improvement Company sold platt from land patent to J.W. Hugus in 1890


Numerous oil and coal fields marked in Wyoming map
Casper started refining in 1894
Railroad extends now beyond Casper

Hugus builds store during 1896 presidential election contest between McKinley (Republican) and Bryan (Democrat)
Campaigners showing McKinley and Hobart photos in front of building construction


Hugus leases building to:
Fraternal orders: IOOF, Freemasons
Merchants: Casper Mercantile Company, Pat Sullivan Drug Company
Newspaper: Tribune Office




IOOF buys lodge from Hugus, and will be the IOOF building through the 1950's
IOOF building has dry goods, grocery, and hardware store and adds new north section that serves as warehouse
Tapered roof is squared off and IOOF symbols are added around the roofline

IOOF Building signs: 1) Holmes Hardware, 2) Fuch's Exclusive Millnery (Hat-Making), 3) Smart Clothes for Women & Misses, F.W. Woolworth Co 5, 10, and 15 Cents Store

2nd and Wolcott (Rotating Camera)
Lukis Candy
Wyoming National Bank
Midwest Refining Company
Kimball Drugs
The Leader, Women & Children's Wear
Tribune Building
The Grand Grocery, Bakery, Meat Market
Post Office
Carnegie Library

2nd and Center (Rotating Camera)
Central Grocery
Casper National Bank
Schulte Hardware
Highway Garge
The Fit Well Tailors
Casper Cafe
Stockmen's National Bank
M.P. Wheeler Real Estate Insurance
Metropolitan 5 to 50 cents Stores
Townsend Building
Hotel Henning
Weber Commercial Company


Teapot Dome Scandal involving US Cabinet official Albert Fall and Oilman Harry F Sinclair and Navy petroleum reserves north of Casper
Casper has a lot of sites for illegal bootlegging and gambling during the Prohibition years.



Hanway signed a lease for JC Penney to occupy a larger modern space at that site on Dec 3, 1941 just prior to the Dec 7 attack on Pearl Harbor.
Post Office Building is demolished in Mar 26, 1942 to make way for JC Penney Building construction
The JC Penney Building opened in Nov 25, 1942 and is the only retail department store built in Casper from 1930-1945
The building shows elements of a heavily Streamlined Moderne style reflecting thrift and simplicity during WW2
Retail activities were restricted during WW2 primarily to large chains like JC Penney

Wyoming mountains served as a training ground for flying the Hump, the portion of Himalayans between India and China







JC Penney Building gets renovated by Kirkwood as the Atrium Plaza


Lou Taubert Real Estate renovates the IOOF Building away from Woolworth's one floor retail design and opens up second floor